family law judge

What to Expect From a Family Law Judge

When you or your spouse file for a divorce in Arizona, your case will be assigned to a family law judge at the Superior Court. While we would like to think that it won’t make a difference which judge gets your case, this is unfortunately not true. Just like every other person, judges are human…

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Would you donate a kidney to your ex-spouse?

Phoenix divorce attorneys see the full spectrum of divorce scenarios from the most amicable to the most adversarial. Spouses who don’t share children can make a “clean break” after the division of their property is finished and their divorce finalized – – unless, of course one spouse offers or is ordered to pay alimony or…

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Avoiding Foster Care Placement When Possible

Q: Might consult a family law attorney early result in better domestic matter outcomes? Most people don’t realize that the first time someone consults a family law attorney doesn’t necessarily have to be when they are getting a divorce. A Phoenix family law attorney can help if you’re struggling with any number of domestic matters….

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Feds Target Adoption Tax Credit

Q: Will adoptive parents lose the federal tax credit? Most people think of divorce and the breaking up of a family when they think of a family law attorney. However, many family lawyers also help build families through traditional adoption or step-parent adoption. Phoenix adoption attorneys are closely following the details surrounding the long-awaited proposals…

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Family Law Evolves in Arizona

What are parents’ rights and responsibilities in Arizona? Arizona’s family law statutes were overhauled back in 2013 and the term child custody was replaced with the phrase “legal decision-making authority” while visitation was rewritten as “parenting time.” While these changes may seem like mere semantics, words have meaning and this less adversarial language has changed…

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